What is a "coupler"? Are you one? Can you be one for CYES?
A "coupler" is a special metal piece used to connect train cars together. At CYES, we are the STEAM engines and we NEED YOU to be the COUPLERS! We need parents, relatives, community members, and students to help us stay CONNECTED! It's easy! Join the Advisory Council! The Advisory Council works on YOUR behalf to provide valuable input to the school administration. It is your opportunity to have a voice, make suggestions, receive answers to questions, bring community concerns to the attention of the administration. The Advisory Council meets once a month in conjunction with the PTO. The joint meetings start at 6:30p and are held on the third Tuesday of each month. All it takes is ONE HOUR to become involve and help your school community. Contact the Advisory Council directly if you have any questions or are interested in joining! [email protected]
Welcome to the Chris Yung Advisory Council (CYAC)
The CYAC is a collaboration of parent representatives, teachers, and school leadership working together to support Chris Yung Elementary School (CYES) and the Prince William County School educational system.
What is the Advisory Council and WHAT does it DO?
- Helping to developing a long-term School Plan for CYES
- Ensuring the School Plan is in alignment with the PWCS Strategic Plan
- Provide input on the CYES budget
- Review Professional Development Plan
- Monitor and Evaluate the plan implementation
- Serve as an interface between the general community and CYES
- Provide an opportunity for Citizens' Time during each meeting for school-related matters
We welcome all parents to attend the Advisory Council meetings! Please listen in to hear the most up-to-date information about educational initiatives at CYES.