Late Arrivals & Early Dismissal

Late Arrivals

Students are permitted to enter the building at 9:10 AM. Instruction begins at 9:20 AM. Students arriving after 9:20 AM will be marked tardy. If your student arrives late to school, park in the parking lot, bring them inside to sign in, and notify the office of any extenuating circumstances. 


Early Dismissals

Please notify the front office if your child will be leaving early. Students may not be released to the authorized adult until they have arrived and signed out in the front office.

Please arrive prior to 3:30 for an early release as our teachers and office staff are getting students home in the quickest manner possible. 


Doctor and dental appointments should be made outside of school time whenever possible. If your child must be checked out early, please go through the front office before 3:30 PM.  A student should not be picked up early regularly.